Friday, 19 October 2012


Things have been quiet round here. Most likely because SNPA is pretty available these days. Supermarkets, beer emporiums and the on-line booze stores seem to have picked up on the hoppy goodness. Maybe this is inline wit the UK having more microbreweries now than ever before...who knows?
You can imagine my surprise, therefore, that this week i've been struggling to find a single bottle in any of the usual places. As it happens i tok a detour on the way home tonight and in an out of the way Tesco, i found not only 22 bottles of the good stuff, but 7 bottles of Torpedo (£1.84 and £2.18 respectively). Tesco is sometimes unpopular for aggressive business policies, but i cant complain, eh?

1 comment:

  1. indeed its been MIA around here these last two weeks from both of my sources, having to make do with Vedett and Adnams Spindrift
